Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

3 Secret Advantages of a Garbage Disposal

Monday, April 19th, 2021

Garbage disposal systems might seem like a luxury, until you witness the terrible state of most kitchen drains in our area. People send food waste and other contaminants down the drain to the point where they’re experiencing a clog every year when a garbage disposal could help reduce this number substantially. We’re not here to convince you to buy a garbage disposal, we’re just here to change your perspective on these systems a little bit. They’re not as much a luxury as they are a high-tech solution to a problem we experience every year.

Don’t try and invest in a garbage disposal without the help of professional plumbing in McKinney, TX. Our team specializes in the setup and maintenance of these kinds of systems, so you’ll be in good hands going forward. Just remember that the more you know about this technology, the easier a decision might be.

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5 Things You Can Do to Stop Clogs Today

Monday, April 5th, 2021

What would you think if we told you that you have tools around you to stop a clog right now? Unless your clog is at the absolute worst state, in which the only solution is to call a plumber, sometimes there are ways that homeowners can deal with them on their own. Between preventing the creation of a drain clog, and the household solutions for dealing with a forming one, there are various things you can do.

Don’t give up, and don’t just call the cheapest plumber in Plano, TX. Follow along with what we’re about to say and if you run into any trouble, our team can help. We provide affordable rates as well as the peace of mind knowing that you’re working with a friendly and reliable company. We won’t take advantage of you and we promise we’ll help you through this unfortunate plumbing experience.

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Protecting Pipes From Freezing

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

We hope everyone out there is getting along alright. This has been a very hard few weeks for homeowners in the Plano area, and we just want to tell you that we’re here for you. Give us a call if you need help, and make sure you’re in contact with loved ones so we can all get through this together.

If your pipes haven’t already frozen from the cold spell we’ve received, then you’re one of the lucky ones. But you might not be lucky for long. If you’re looking to avoid having to call us for piping in Plano, TX, then let’s talk about insulating pipes.

It might not be as hard as you think to keep your pipes from freezing, and we’ll tell you everything you need to know going forward. Just remember to call us if you need help!

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Here’s What to Do About Slow Drains

Monday, February 8th, 2021

They’re not quite clear, but they’re not quite clogged… They’re just slow! Slow drains are a problem for homeowners because they leave people feeling uneasy as to whether they should call for plumbing help or just “deal” with it. While yes, a plumber in McKinney, TX can help you with your slow drain, that might not be a good enough answer for you.

Homeowners want to know what slow drains mean. Sometimes they could signal that a drain clog is forming, while other times they could mean a problem with your sewer system getting backed up. If you’re scared about what could be going on with your drains, then we’ve got you covered. Let’s talk about what you as a homeowner can do about your slow drains, what they likely signify, and why a plumber has all the right equipment to deal with them.

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Mesh Screens Will Change Your Life!

Monday, November 30th, 2020

Okay, before you say anything, we’re talking about plumbing here. No, a mesh screen won’t help you change a flat on the side of the highway, nor will it be very helpful when you’ve got a power outage. However, once we get to the subject of plumbing, mesh screens can be a huge game-changer.

The important thing is limiting the amount of gunk that gets flushed down our drain so that we don’t need to deal with too many clogs, right? Any plumber in Plano, TX will tell you that a mesh screen, or some kind of drain guard, will help reduce the amount of waste that gets sent into your drain, and help keep things clog-free.

Don’t worry, we’ll get into the specifics about how mesh screens really provide that much relief, and what you can do if you’re still suffering from drain woes.

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Garbage Disposal: Your New Best Friend

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

We’re going to be honest, we’ve never met any homeowners that didn’t absolutely love their new garbage disposal. That’s because these kinds of systems are just so convenient and efficient, that there’s really no reason to not want one. If you’d like to know more about them, then we can absolutely cover the essentials that have to do with garbage disposals in this blog post.

More importantly, we’d like to cover why we’re the best team to install your new garbage disposal. After all, you might be able to find a garbage disposal model, and find some DIY tutorial online or pay the same contractor you have been for a quick installation. But is just doing “what you’ve always been doing” for plumbing in Plano, TX really the best mentality to have?

No, we don’t think it is.

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We Give Chemical Drain Cleaners a Hard Pass

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Pouring chemical drain cleaners down your drain is similar to pouring water into your car’s gas tank. This is just a disaster waiting to happen. We’re proponents of your plumbing system just like a mechanic is a proponent of your car, and we’re here to tell you that chemical drain cleaners are an inadequate solution to a problem that needs fixing.

If you care at all about the status of your drains, then you’ll aim more towards calling a plumber in Plano, TX. Pouring chemical drain cleaners down your drain can make drain clogs worse and can ultimately end up costing you more in the long run.

Keep reading as we get into detail about this down below. We’ll talk about why this is the case and why nothing beats the help and attention of a professional plumber.

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Have a Bathroom Drain Clog? Here’s What to Do

Monday, June 29th, 2020

Sometimes the heat gets too unbearable and it’s a good idea to spend the day indoors. Staying cool, comfortable, and hydrated is a great way to pass a heatwave. With all our talk about AC maintenance and repairs, you’re probably feeling good that your HVAC system is good to go and nothing will stand in the way of your comfort—until your drains clog.

We know, the switch from AC to plumbing is quite the topic change, but with so much of our time being spent indoors these days, it’s worth talking about. Your bathroom plumbing in Plano, TX might not be in good condition, and you can kiss your comfort goodbye if you start dealing with a drain clog.

So, it’s time to shift away from our talk about air conditioning, and focus on a system that rarely gets the spotlight—our plumbing!

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Everything You Need to Know About Your Sewer System

Monday, May 18th, 2020

Sewers aren’t the most complex systems in existence, but even with their simplicity, there are homeowners constantly asking us questions about them and how they operate. So, operating in good faith, we’d like to try and quell some of those inquiries by talking a bit about sewer systems. We’ll discuss how they work, what can go wrong with them, and the most common questions that homeowners ask us about them.

Now, keep in mind that reading about sewer systems isn’t a good replacement for good, solid professional handiwork, and it never will be. If you suspect that there’s something wrong with your septic tank or sewer system, nothing you read will be better than calling a pro for plumbing in Plano, TX.

With that being said, read on if you’re interested in some of the lesser-known facts about your sewer!

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Do You Have a Plumbing Leak?

Monday, April 6th, 2020

When we think of plumbing leaks, we usually think of water gushing from a pipe or a drain in our basements as we frantically try to plug it. However, unlike TV shows or movies, plumbing leaks don’t always occur out in the open for everyone to see. Sometimes your plumbing system will leak for hours, days, weeks, or even months without you knowing about it unless you’re paying attention.

If you’re asking yourself, “well, what should I be paying attention to?” Then you’re starting to ask the right questions. We’re going to go over a few things about plumbing in Sherman, TX that can describe when you’re dealing with a leak that you might otherwise not have noticed. Hopefully, with our help, you know exactly when to call a plumber and have a leak dealt with before it becomes a worse problem.

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