Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Are Heat Pumps a Good Option for Texas Homeowners?

Monday, February 19th, 2024

In the scorching Texas heat, finding an efficient and versatile home heating and cooling solution is paramount. Heat pumps have emerged as a compelling option for Texas homeowners, offering a range of benefits that extend beyond just temperature control.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why heat pumps in Plano, TX make sense for homes in our area, focusing on their adaptability to every season and energy-efficient features. Additionally, we’ll emphasize the importance of having a licensed professional handle the installation process.

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Don’t Ignore These Late-Season Furnace Repairs

Monday, February 5th, 2024

As winter begins to wind down, it’s tempting to breathe a sigh of relief and put furnace concerns on the back burner. However, neglecting late-season furnace repairs can have serious consequences for your home comfort, energy efficiency, and overall safety. In this blog post, we’ll explore the common tendency to overlook furnace issues as winter comes to a close and shed light on the potential problems that can arise from procrastinating essential furnace repairs in Allen, TX.

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What Are My Options for Heating Installation?

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

If it’s time to install a new heater in your home, you may be shopping around and doing research to find out what your different options are. You can always install an upgraded version of the current heater you have. But even if it has served your home very well, there may be other better options on the market now.

When you need service for HVAC in Frisco, TX, our team can help. We can talk to you about your different heating options and help you decide which one would best fit your home and family. You can also keep reading to learn more about some of the heating systems we install, as well as pros and cons of each one.

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Heating Repairs That Can’t Wait

Monday, January 8th, 2024

You should never put off heating repairs when you need them. But sometimes, there are heating problems that are more or less serious. When you have a very serious heater problem, do you want to get it addressed as soon as possible.

But how do you know which heating problems are the most serious? You can keep reading to learn about signs that something is wrong with your heater and why these repairs need to be addressed right away. Then give our team a call to schedule a service appointment for heater repair in Carrollton, TX.

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Furnace Efficiency Ratings: What Do They Mean?

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Did you know that all furnaces have a rating that estimates overall energy efficiency? The rating was designed to help consumers make an educated decision about which furnace is best for their home. If energy efficiency is a high priority for you, you may select a model with a significantly higher energy-efficiency rating. 

If you’re looking to save money, but don’t want to compromise too much on energy efficiency, you can use the ratings to strike a balance between overall efficiency and upfront installation cost. Our team is here to help you with that decision. If you call our office to schedule an appointment for heater service in Plano, TX, we can help you select the furnace that will work best for your home and family. You can also keep reading to learn more about furnace efficiency ratings and what they mean.

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4 Sounds Your Furnace Should Not Be Making

Monday, February 6th, 2023

We are in the middle of winter and your furnace has been working hard to keep your home warm, cozy, and comfortable. When your heater is on, it should never make unusual sounds. Sure, it’s not completely silent, but there are certain sounds that if you hear them coming from your furnace are cause for alarm.

In fact, there are some sounds that require a call to a heating expert sooner rather than later. Allowing an unusual furnace noise to continue will just make whatever problem is causing it worse over time. If you think that you need furnace repair in Plano, TX, our team is here to help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about furnace sounds that should concern you and warrant a call for repairs.

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What Causes a Heater to Stop Working?

Monday, December 26th, 2022

If you could prevent problems in your life before they start, you would probably take every measure you could to stay ahead of trouble. Unfortunately, it’s not always that easy. While it doesn’t get too cold down here in Texas, we do want our heaters working perfectly when the colder days arrive. And thankfully, heater problems fall on the list of things you can stay ahead of. 

You can’t prevent all heater problems, but you can invest in heater repair in Frisco, TX to stay ahead of most of them this season. In fact, heater maintenance is a great way to stay ahead of issues for years to come. But you need to know what signs to watch out for. Learn more about what causes your heater to stop working so you can prevent problems before they begin. 

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What Causes a Furnace to Stop Heating?

Monday, November 28th, 2022

Furnaces are very reliable residential heaters. In fact, many homeowners prefer a gas furnace over any other type of heater for a few reasons. Gas furnaces can last 20 years or longer before needing to be replaced and offer reliable heat – even if you lose power during a winter storm. But that doesn’t mean that furnaces are without the potential for problems. In fact, as your furnace ages, it is more likely that it will stop heating. 

If you suspect that something is wrong with your furnace, it may be time for furnace repair in Plano, TX and our team is here to help. Most furnace problems are easy to fix, but occasionally you may need to replace a major component or even your entire furnace. Keep in mind that those major repair expenses usually only happen with older furnaces as they get closer to 20 years old.

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It’s Time for This Important Heating Service!

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Cooling your home has been top of mind for the last several months, and you may not be ready to think about heating yet. In fact, it may not be a priority at all since it doesn’t get as cold where we live. But winter is around the corner, and you will want to heat your home as the temperatures begin to drop.

But is your furnace up to the challenge this season? If you haven’t scheduled heating maintenance in Plano, TX yet this year, now is the time! You want to stay ahead of repairs with this important heating service, and we can explain why.

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Is It Too Late for Furnace Maintenance?

Monday, April 18th, 2022
The short answer, no. But you didn’t come here to hear us say that, right? You come to this blog for the real details behind our claims, and we anticipated that! There’s a lot that goes into the decision behind furnace maintenance, and our team is dedicated to making sure that every furnace is in good condition, no matter the season. Just because it’s spring and finally warming up, doesn’t mean it’s too late for furnace service in Plano, TX. First of all, there will be a few more chilly nights that require your furnace, so you don’t have to feel like the need for them is gone. And secondly, even if every night was warm from here on out, your furnace will be needed again come fall, and maintenance will help it last longer. The importance is less when you get maintenance done, but how frequently you get it done.

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