Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for June, 2022

Is Your Home Plumbing System Over-Engineered?

Monday, June 27th, 2022

That’s a hard word to nail down. “Over-engineered” sounds like something that you would call a piece of furniture that took way too long to build yourself. While we understand some other connotations you might have with this phrase, it’s a very specific term in the plumbing industry. Plumbing systems aren’t designed to be complicated, and they’re actually set up to be as simple as possible. With properly labeled valves and pipes, the right materials for the job, and maintenance every year, a plumbing system can work as intended for a very long time.

When your plumbing in Plano, TX is over-engineered, what we mean is that it’s been worked on by an amateur. Keep reading down below to find some signs that your plumbing system is over-engineered, like various different materials being used in the same line, or extra pipes looping around that don’t need to be there.

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Say NO to Drain Cleaning Chemicals

Monday, June 13th, 2022

There’s an amazing thing happening across the country if you pay attention to any agricultural or scientific news that comes out. Chemistry has always been a natural advantage of human society, boiling water to kill bacteria, or using hydrogen peroxide to clean a wound, but chemicals can also hurt us as well.

In the case of pesticides in our food, or using specific hormones, those chemicals can do a lot of unseen things and cause some pretty serious disruptions in our lives. The more we learn about certain chemicals, the more it becomes clear that chemicals should only be used sometimes. In fields like the plumbing industry, chemicals should never be used. There are actually much better available solutions at hand.

We’d like to talk today about why you should always opt for calling a plumber in Plano, TX instead of pouring drain cleaning chemicals into your sink.

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