Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for September, 2023

5 Signs You Need Sewer Drain Cleaning

Monday, September 18th, 2023
Girl pinching her nose against a white background

It’s not a fun topic, but have you thought about whether your sewer drain needs to be cleaned? Probably not. In fact, you may not even know the signs to watch for that indicate you need to schedule a sewer drain cleaning.

Yet it is a very important service that can benefit your home and family greatly. Keep reading to learn more about sewer cleaning in Plano, TX. Then, give our team a call to schedule your appointment so that you can stay ahead of sewage problems. 

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Why Does My AC Smell Like Vinegar?

Monday, September 4th, 2023

There could be a variety of factors contributing to your air conditioner smelling like vinegar, and rarely does it have to do with rinsing out your condensate drain line with vinegar each month to prevent mold from developing in the drain line. 

Noticing an odor coming from your AC that is sour like vinegar means that something is wrong inside the unit. The trick is figuring out just what that problem is. If you’re not sure, you can always give our team a call for air conditioning repair in Denison, TX and let us troubleshoot the problem and offer solutions. You can also keep reading to learn more about a few common reasons that your AC can produce a vinegary smell. 

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