Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for November, 2021

Let’s Prepare Your Drains for the Holidays

Monday, November 15th, 2021

What an exciting time of year! Sometimes it can feel good to take a step back and be grateful for all the friends and family in your life. The holiday season is a great period of time to relish in the love and joy that we all spend together. Whether you’re a big gift giver or the person spending countless hours in the kitchen, we appreciate you and are grateful for your support!

Now, one thing that can really dampen the feelings of this season is a clog in the drain. Drain clogs are a timeless buzzkill, easily popping up at inconvenient times and usually when the whole family has arrived for a big dinner.

Let’s discuss some preventative ways to prepare your drain for clogs and also to remove them before they impact our life. Sound like a good idea? Great, let’s get started.

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You Don’t Want to Hear This Noise Coming From Your Furnace

Monday, November 1st, 2021

Imagine this—you’re sleeping soundly one night after a delicious Thanksgiving meal, or after celebrating the holidays with the extended family, and you’re suddenly woken up by a strange noise. You’re awake enough to tell that this noise is coming from your furnace, but the intensity and nuisance of this noise signals to you that there’s something seriously wrong.

If you’re reading this, then the good news is you’ve made it far enough to do something about it. Noises that come from your furnace almost always signal that you need furnace repair in Plano, TX, but a few noises are worse than others.

Today, we’re going to focus on one noise, in particular, that seems to be a common occurrence in older gas furnaces—the booming noise. If your furnace sounds like it’s exploding on a semiregular basis with booming noises, then we’re going to tell you why this can be a nightmare if left alone.

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