Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for October, 2020

Is Water Heater Maintenance Really Worth It?

Monday, October 19th, 2020

Imagine thinking of an appliance or a device that you just couldn’t live without. Your bed, your television, your dishwasher perhaps? Now ask yourself, “is the health of that item really worth it?” We’ll let you answer that on your own.

Homeowners might think they don’t care much about their water heaters, but hot water is a necessity these days. What kind of a day would you have today if you had to take your showers cold, wash dishes with cold water, and wash your clothes with only cold water? We can assume it wouldn’t be a very good day.

Anyone out there, do yourself a favor and invest in maintenance for your water heaters in Plano, TX. We promise in the next few paragraphs, we’ll tell you exactly why such a service is absolutely necessary if you want to remain comfortable in your home this year.

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We Give Chemical Drain Cleaners a Hard Pass

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Pouring chemical drain cleaners down your drain is similar to pouring water into your car’s gas tank. This is just a disaster waiting to happen. We’re proponents of your plumbing system just like a mechanic is a proponent of your car, and we’re here to tell you that chemical drain cleaners are an inadequate solution to a problem that needs fixing.

If you care at all about the status of your drains, then you’ll aim more towards calling a plumber in Plano, TX. Pouring chemical drain cleaners down your drain can make drain clogs worse and can ultimately end up costing you more in the long run.

Keep reading as we get into detail about this down below. We’ll talk about why this is the case and why nothing beats the help and attention of a professional plumber.

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