Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Colored Water Coming from Your Faucet? Here’s What to Do

Monday, December 30th, 2019

How would you feel if all the water you drank turned brown today? We’re going to go out on a limb and say that you wouldn’t feel too happy about that. We’re also confident that many of the homeowners we service in our area have to deal with brown or rust-colored water and you might’ve gone through a few online searches trying to get to the bottom of the problem.

The fact is, rust-colored water can be a signal that there’s something sinister going on in your pipe system.

If you’re really worried that you might be ingesting something that could be harmful to you and your plumbing, call our team today for drain cleaning in Plano, TX. Otherwise, keep reading and we’ll tell you what might be happening to your water and what it could mean for you and your home.

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Notice a Slab Leak Before It’s Too Late

Monday, December 16th, 2019

water-leaking-from-holeSlab leaks are one of the most insidious problems you can come across. To the uninitiated, a slab leak is when water starts to leak underneath the concrete foundation of your home. This can be especially devastating because these kinds of leaks are the hardest to repair (without paying a lot of money to dig under the foundation of your home) and they can cause the most amount of damage.

Slab leaks can essentially destroy a house from the ground up if they aren’t dealt with quickly. That’s why we’re going to talk about a few ways that you can notice the early stages of a slab leak before they become extremely expensive to deal with. A slab leak in Plano, TX should be found as soon as possible, and with our team, you’ll be able to address it for an affordable price.

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Toilet Clogs: How You Can Help

Monday, November 4th, 2019

If there was a list of “most inconvenient plumbing problems to deal with,” a clogged toilet would be at the top of that list. Toilets are appliances that we use so often and rarely think about the intricate mechanisms that function within it. Not only that but having a toilet clog can be embarrassing and inconvenient at the best of times.

So, what if we told you that aside from calling for expert plumbing services in Denison, TX there were some home solutions that could help you temporarily? Toilet issues can range from the simplest of solutions to signaling major problems with your water line or sewage system. In this post, we’d like to discuss some things that the average homeowner can do to mitigate the damage from a clogged toilet. Hopefully, with these few steps, your plumber will arrive with minimal damage done.

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Tips for Avoiding Clogged Drains

Monday, July 15th, 2019

pipe-flowIf there is a single plumbing problem that we can pretty much guarantee that every homeowner will encounter at some point,  then it is definitely the clogged drain. Just because clogged drains are inevitable doesn’t mean that you have to actively help them to form, though. If you think you’re not contributing to the drain clogs in your house, you’re probably being overly confident.

In today’s post, we are going to look at some of the basic precautions that you can take to avoid clogged drains in Plano, TX. We’ll also let you know why you should contact a professional plumber on our team if and when you do run into drain clogs. It is not a problem with as simple a solution as you may believe. Whatever it is that you need to get the most out of your plumbing system, you can count on our team to do it right. 

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3 Signs of Main Water Line Problems

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

underground-pipeIf your main water line stops supplying water, your quality of life is going to suffer. Just think: your home’s access to clean drinking water is reduced or cut off entirely. Your ability to shower, wash the dishes or the clothes, clean, and cook are all going to be heavily hindered.

While it’s difficult to prevent these kinds of problems from happening, the next best thing you can do is have them fixed as soon as possible. That will ensure that no more money is needlessly spent on leaking water or on water damage.

If any of the following signs apply to your home plumbing system, you might want to call up a plumber in Plano, TX for a professional opinion.

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Why Is My Water Heater Leaking?

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

water-heater-inspectionA good water heater will last you just over 10 years. However, that time can be shortened if your water heater’s tank develops a leak. There’s no way to patch up a leak in the tank, so your only option is a complete replacement—that’s a cost that no one wants to be surprised with.

But don’t fret—leaking doesn’t always guarantee a replacement. We’ll go over the different kinds of leaks your water heater can develop, the causes of leaks, and what you can do to minimize the risks.

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You Don’t Want to Ignore These Plumbing Emergencies

Monday, December 31st, 2018

emergency-plumbingYou may not have wished for a plumbing emergency for the holiday season, but these accidents rarely occur when we want them to.

With plumbing emergencies, they all have one thing in common: the sooner you notice them, the less damage they’ll do (physically and financially). In this post, we’ll inform you about a few of the most common plumbing emergencies in Plano, TX so you can catch them early, or possibly even prevent them.

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Encountering Plumbing Leaks At Your Feet

Monday, November 5th, 2018

water-leaking-from-holePlumbing leaks can do massive damage when gone unchecked for too long. Of course, just because they do damage doesn’t mean they always look like it. Many leaks from unexpected places.

One such place is at the ground, or even beneath the ground. Since many homeowners may not have encountered these kinds of leaks before, we wanted to cover them in today’s post. If you encounter any of these leaks, you will need to call a plumber in Plano, TX.

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Need Sewer Line Services? Call a Plumbing Company 

Monday, August 27th, 2018

video-pipe-inspectionHow would it sound if we told you to do your own sewer line cleaning? Hopefully you would respond by saying “that’s disgusting, I won’t do it!” But actually, the gross part of sewer cleaning is probably the least difficult part. For all you persistent DIYers out there, take off your hazmat suits and gas masks. We are determined to discourage you from messing with your sewer lines, and we’ll try to convince you through the rest of this post.

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How to Ruin Your Kitchen Drain

Monday, August 13th, 2018

drain-bubblingHave you ever been curious about how you could go about completely ruining your kitchen’s pipes and drain? If you do, we hope it’s purely for educational purposes and not for something sinister. Either way, we won’t hold back in explaining how you would go about clogging your pipes up.

Even though clogs can be fairly easy to unclog with the right equipment, the problem is when homeowners decide to fix the clogs themselves—they simply don’t have the tools that are best for protecting the lifespan of the plumbing system.

Overall, we don’t want you to treat your plumbing irresponsibly, either before or after a clog. So here are some ways that you could totally ruin your kitchen plumbing (purely for educational purposes, of course).

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