Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Be Smart with a Smart Thermostat

Monday, July 27th, 2020

In an ideal world, your air conditioner will be able to cool your home without the help of you or your thermostat. Your AC would be able to know exactly what your comfort standards are and meet them. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Unfortunately, the world is a bit more complicated than that. Machines can’t read our minds (yet) and we’re still finding technical problems to the maximized efficiency and efficacy of our comfort systems. You can try to run your air conditioner efficiently without smart thermostats in Plano, TX—but it won’t work.

Smart and Wi-Fi thermostats are the next generation of advanced comfort technology. They can more easily adapt to our custom temperature patterns and learn what we like and what we dislike. These systems aren’t just convenient, they’re efficient at curbing our energy consumption when it comes to comfort. Keep reading, we’ll get into the details.

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Curb Your Bills and Increase Your Commercial Efficiency

Monday, July 13th, 2020

Commercial air conditioners are incredibly powerful these days. They have the ability to keep entire buildings at low, comfortable temperatures no matter what the heat is like outside. Seriously, compared to how commercial air conditioners used to function, they’re more than able to keep buildings cool for long periods of time at the lowest possible energy consumption rate.

That being said, we see business owners time and time again forget some key responsible practices that drive their commercial air conditioning in Plano, TX into disrepair. If you’re fighting the heat on a hot summer day and you’ve got your commercial AC system running at full blast, pay attention to some of the things you could be doing to make its job easier.

Remember, if you need help, don’t hesitate to call the pros at Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning!

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5 Signs That Show Your AC Is in Bad Shape

Monday, June 15th, 2020

It’s finally time for our air conditioners to come out of hibernation and start running practically daily. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s exactly why we sign up for AC installation in the first place. These machines are incredibly efficient and effective at what they do, and without them we’d be a lot less comfortable with the sun beating down on us.

However, not all air conditioners are the same. Some are brand-new and function like a dream, while others are in increasingly bad shape. With homeowners being largely unaware of when their system is facing trouble, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to teach everyone out there to notice for signs of necessary air conditioning repair in Plano, TX. Keep reading as we detail some signs that your air conditioner might need the help of a professional.

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Is Your AC Ready for Summer?

Monday, April 20th, 2020

Scorching temperatures here in Texas are not a question of if they will happen, but when they will happen. Being prepared for blazing hot temperatures and the sun beating down on our homes is just a part of life here, and one of the first steps to being a homeowner here is being prepared for it. So, today we’re asking you, are you prepared for it?

If not, there’s no cause for concern. That’s what our team does in regards to HVAC in Sherman, TX—we help homeowners prepare their air conditioners for the intense summers to come. We’ve got the tools, but most importantly, the information necessary to keep your system running well into old age.

So, if you’re as invested in your system as we are, take a look below at some of the tips we’ve included to help you prepare your air conditioner.

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Enjoy the Best of Both Worlds with a Heat Pump System

Monday, October 7th, 2019

We’d definitely call our winters down here in Texas mild if anything. We’re not like the other climates around the country where winters provide consistent temperatures below zero and blizzards every other day. That’s not to say it doesn’t get chilly down here but it’s mild, to say the least. That’s why we want to talk about heat pump systems that can often be the best choice for homes in our neck of the woods.

Heat pumps cover a wide variety of heating and air conditioning systems, but we’ll be focusing on the most common heat pump—the ductless mini-split. If you’re in the market for HVAC in Denison, TX you’ll probably be shocked to know that there are systems like ductless mini-splits that can provide both heating and cooling all year round. They function via electricity, so they’re incredibly efficient and can reduce your heating bill by almost 50% compared to furnaces and baseboard heaters. Sounds simple, right?

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best, as we’ll show you why below.

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How Long Will My AC Last?

Monday, September 9th, 2019

That’s a good question, but hopefully, one we can shed a little light on. Air conditioners don’t last forever, but like any good mattress or home appliance, you’ll want it to last as many years as possible. So how long exactly does the typical air conditioner last?

Well, it’s more complicated than that. In the best cases, air conditioners generally last anywhere from 10-15 years before they become ineffective. However, this number can vary on the type of air conditioner you have as well as with the maintenance that’s been performed over the years. A system that has not been checked on or maintained is obviously going to live a shorter life than a system that has been cared for. Not only that, but an AC system will get more energy inefficient as time goes on, which will only cost you more money and push you to replace it.

Let’s get into the specifics of how long your AC will last.

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Why You Should Go Ductless

Monday, August 26th, 2019

Air conditioning is a necessity in Plano. You don’t want to bother with a different type of AC system if it’s not going to work as well as your central air system. However, what if we told you that these new ductless mini-split systems worked better than your central air conditioner, in most cases? Does that pique your interest?

Ductless air conditioners are just that, air conditioners that function without a duct system. They’re much different than a central air conditioner. Ductless mini-splits are functional heat pumps that use refrigerant to pump the heat from inside your home and disperse it outside. The system is composed of small air handlers that connect to one large cabinet outside, allowing you to have several handlers scattered through rooms in your home.

If you’re hard-set on your central AC ways, we understand. But if you’re tired of your faulty central air conditioning in Plano, TX– read on!

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What Is Refrigerant, and What Does It Do?

Monday, August 12th, 2019

close-up-view-of-refrigerant-lineRefrigerant is a necessary component of your air conditioner. Your unit has an evaporator coil that evaporates the excess moisture in the atmosphere, along with the heat, using the refrigerant. The heat energy transfers to the refrigerant which cycles through the system to the condenser coil which will deposit the moisture and heat. This is the gist of the cooling process.

Sounds simple, right?

Well, when it comes to AC repair in Frisco, TX, the type of refrigerant can make a huge difference in both cost and environmental impact. If you encounter a refrigerant leak in your system, these differences can become monumentally important when it comes to the lifespan of your air conditioner.

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Keep a Fresh Filter in Your Air Conditioner!

Monday, July 29th, 2019

man-with-filterIf there is one single step that you can take to keep your air conditioner in Plano, TX, in the best working condition possible, then it is definitely scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance. If there is one single task that you can handle on your own to help your AC succeed, then it is definitely changing your air filter.

Yes, really. It’s that important.

While your air filter will be changed during your annual AC tune-up, it is important to remember that once a year just is not going to cut it. Your air filter will typically need to be replaced every 1-3 months, depending upon a number of different environmental factors. Failure to keep a fresh filter in place can have much more serious consequences than other homeowners realize.

In today’s post, we’ll clarify precisely what this standard air filter in your AC does, and the risks of failing to keep a fresh filter in your home cooling system.

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Why You Should Never Skip Your AC Tune-Up

Monday, July 1st, 2019

AC-technicianWe get it. You know that technically your air conditioning system is ready for a tune-up. However, you also know for a fact that your air conditioner is functioning just fine as is. So—why bother with a tune-up? Sure you can wait until—

We’re going to jump in and stop you right there. The fact of the matter is that, regardless of whether or not your air conditioner is functioning at the moment, it needs annual maintenance. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Once a year. Every year. That’s the schedule that you need to stick to. And with good reason.

Air conditioning maintenance in Frisco, TX, is all about preventing problems from developing. Not addressing existing problems. That’s repair, not preventative maintenance. If you want to keep problems with your air conditioner to a minimum—and no amount of prevention is going to eliminate the risk of problems developing entirely—then routine maintenance is the answer.

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